Clinically PROVEN. sam® is not a pain masking treatment like drugs and electromagnetic devices. sam® uses multi-hour ultrasound to accelerate biological repair processes. sam® ultrasound treatment is covered by health insurance to treat injuries without surgery or injections.
Tendon and ligament injuries are slow to heal since the collagen matrix does not remodel quickly, and there is limited blood and nutrient supply to these tissues.
sam® increases cellular remodeling, circulation and reduces inflammation.
The most challenging part of the body is the joint. The joint is subject high loading and pressures to support the kinematics of the body, and becomes more prone to injury as we age. Injury to the cartilage and connective tissues can take months-to-years to respond to traditional treatment.
sam® multi-hour ultrasound applied daily is able to increase circulation and nutrient transfer into the joint space. It is a recommended conservative treatment option prior to surgical intervention, particularly for partial tears, cartilaginous defects and joint degradation.
Muscle injuries include strains and tears, and can impact multiple parts of the body. Some of the most common injuries treated with sam® include muscle-related back, neck and shoulder pain.
Most muscle injuries will respond to sam® within the first week of treatent
Don’t hesitate to contact sam® customer support. We have helped many people in the same situations as you’re probably in. We have a network across the United States Healthcare System to provide timely assistance for all patients.
email: [email protected] phone: (888) 202-9831